Timesheets can often get stuck waiting for approvers which are away, we make it easy to add a new approver to any contract to ensure timesheets get approved.
Whether the current approver is going on leave or leaving altogether you may need to add a new approver to the contract.
We recommend always having more than one approver on a contract incase one is one leave, or is unable to review the required timesheets.
Find and select the contractor you need to add an approver to, and select the relevant contract. This will open the contract details view.
Here you will see a list of current approvers and be able to select "Add approver". Now you are able to either add an existing approver which has already been added to the client, or select "Create new".
Now simply complete the approver details form and ensure the correct contract is selected, hit "Create approver", and congratulations you have just added the approver to the contract.