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Product overview

Our product philosophy

Our product was designed around one clear goal; to improve the user experience for contractors, this includes not only how the software looks but the entire process of contracting.

We believe recruitment agencies that provide the best experience for their contractors will be able to stand out and together we can ensure that contracting becomes less scary.

We also think that current products in this space have not kept up with technology and deliver a terrible experience making it a chore to do timesheets.

This results in timesheets being submitted late, delays invoicing and late payruns.

To achieve this we set out on understanding all the various touch-points involved in contracting and how we can streamline these processes to make it easier.

This has led us to develop Recruithero a product designed to be the central place where contractors and clients interact with your agency. We help combine all of your existing technologies and allow them to all work seamlessly together.

Meanwhile your contractors and clients get one clear touch-point with you where data is shared ensuring accuracy and timeliness of information.

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Product overview

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