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Filter timesheets

To make it easier to find the timesheet you are looking for we have a number filtering and sorting options.

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Need some help finding the right timesheet?

We know you have lots of timesheets and it can be hard to find what you are looking for. To make it easier we have added a range of filters to help you find what you are looking for.

So how do I filter timesheets?

To start with open the completed timesheets view by selecting "Completed timesheets" from the menu.

Filtering by status

To filter by status simply select the filter button and then select the statuses you would like to filter on.

Now that you are on the timesheet details view, open the action menu and select "Edit timesheet". Once you make your changes and hit submit your timesheet will be resent for approval.

Sort by column

Sometimes you just need to sort the results to find what you need. Simply select the column header you would like to sort on.

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